Monday, November 19, 2012

Random Update (11.19.12)

Thank goodness Halloween is over, that is such a silly holiday for college. It's outstanding for little kids (free candy everywhere) but for college students it simply strikes me as silly. We can eat candy for dinner whenever we want! It was kind of funny how Halloween comes right before the presidential election. Let's chow down on some candy and wear costumes of gorillas and faeries five days before voting on who the most important person in the world should be. Seriously? America is so weird. 

I watched the election over in Edmonds hall with some friends from last years honors seminar. My friend Paul popped some popcorn (in a pot, on a stove, with oil) and it was very yummy. Boston College was pretty overwhelmingly democratic. Or maybe the democrats were loud. I'm not sure. But I was expecting more Romney-ers here. Also, Donald Trump is hilarious on Twitter. And by hilarious, I mean it's hilarious that what I read is actually what he thinks: "This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!". He's right about the second part. We're a federal republic!

Daylight savings time is always so awesome. Just so awesome. 

Unrelated to daylight savings time but related to daylight was the all-nighter I pulled on that Thursday to finish a Spanish paper. I always think those are much faster to write. But that's not correcto, I learn time after time. I did write the essay well, though. Hopefully that is returned tomorrow.

So I've been trying my best to use the services that Boston College provides, because they cost a good bit to have for only four years. There's this thing called "Sophomore Quest" run by the career center which was basically a bunch of programs to make you think about your career and then to help you get a move-on with what you might want to do. Also, if you go to these programs, you might win an iPad or some cash or something in a raffle. Surprising that not more people did it, but better odds for me! And so anywhos right now there is an overload of things I am looking to do. One of the programs was about Advanced Study Grants. These are summer grants for independent study on topics/research of the students design and fancy. Which looks awesome. I want to do something with the stars and physics in an observatory or something. But that deadline is early next semester. I also had an outstanding conversation with two of my soccer friends, Both and Ethan, about their time abroad during their junior year. Both went to Barcelona and Buenos Aires; Ethan went to Valencia. The stories and amazing experiences they had have convinced me wholeheartedly to try to go abroad for a full year. Ideally, I would be at Pompeu Fabra University all next year (my economics advisor holds it #2 behind LSE in Europe for economics). So I would fine tune my Spanish and take some Economics classes over there. I am meeting with the Study Abroad Advisor right after Thanksgiving break, and I am very very very excited to make this work. Finally, I would like to get some sort of internship at a small start-up business this summer and see how that sort of business works. I like the idea of starting your own business. Actually, finally, my friends JM and Alex both have a place to crash in Sao Paulo during the world cup in summer 2014. So that would be the icing on the cake if I can make some dough to buy a ticket to Brazil. It's a lot to plan and sort out, but it's exciting and worth it. 

Spotify is a great invention. I've been using the free trial, and it's great. Basically, I can see what songs my Facebook friends listen to, subscribe to playlists they make, and send them songs to listen to, all for free (with commericals) or for $7 a month (no commericals + iPhone app). I'm on the month of free trial stuff and it's great. I'm really into folky-chill stuff right now. 

And at last, I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. However, after getting back a physics test that I did well on and then realizing I have minimal work for Monday and Tuesday class, I'm enjoying these last few days before break immensely. Last night, I went with Angela, Alex, Christine, and Pat to "El Habibi", a hookah lounge (wow that sure was interesting!).  Blowing smoke rings and chilling on couches is fun, but light-headedness and nausea are not. I'd only go once a year maximum, and only if invited. Today we had a quarterfinal game for intramural playoffs... we lost (3-0 down at half, lost 3-2 after so much pressure! Angry we didn't pull off the comeback). Tomorrow all the roommates are going out to dinner at Fire and Ice (delicious Mongolian stir-fry cooked-in-front-of-you restaurant). And Tuesday I am watching all of season three of Lost before flying Wednesday morning with JM to Baltimore!

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