Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Random Update (2.6.13)

Last weekend was the Super Bowl, and there was a lot of hype surrounding Beyonce, power outages, and a decently entertaining match. Unfortunately, I left halfway through the fourth quarter to go play soccer, so I missed the end. I heard Baltimore won. Also, I went to a basketball game on Saturday with Jonathan, we beat Clemson which was cool. The roommates and I have been playing a lot of cards and dominoes, watching a lot of M*A*S*H, and listening to a lot of good Spanish music in the late evening after class and homework is done. Oh and smoothies. I love me my smoothies. And brie. Brie too.

Go eagles.

Final score. We went ~56% from beyond the arc. Crazy three's. 

Gasson in the snow. Some sight.

This coming weekend is going to be busy. We have many people visiting. J.M.'s brother, Veb's brother, two of Zach's friends from home, and Luke! So excited. The common room or living room will be very full. It will be extra fun because 5/8 of us are dancing in the 'culture show.'  Even me... yes. Even me. J.M. and Veb choreographed it. The show is Saturday night, and should be a lot of fun. 

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