Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Random Update (1.18.12)

Here are some concerns I had before classes started. I wasn't officially registered for my physics class. My Spanish class is full of lots and lots of native speakers. I'm the only freshman in my John Milton class. My Western Cultural Tradition might be less interesting than first semester.
Here are some things I have figured out since yesterday. I registered for my physics class, it took maybe thirty (30) seconds. My Spanish classmates speak quickly, but I understand them, and today I put in my two (2) bits' worth. Also, having friends that I knew beforehand in my class is something I had really missed having first semester; it was probably one of the biggest differences from high school. Just because I'm the only freshman doesn't mean anything, really. The teacher is the best I've had so far, and the material looks fascinating. Western Cult is very comfortable; it's the same group of students from 1st semester, and we all know what's coming and how to prepare for it.
Mr. Jake is coming this weekend! I now take my leave to go pick up tickets to the Celtics game. Horray for discounted tickets to world class athletic events!

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