Saturday, January 28, 2012

Random Update (1.28.12)

Last week involved normal activities, like school. I realized that, despite the fact that I'm a "Physics Major", I'm only in one mathy/sciency class. My other classes are a John Milton literature class, a Spanish literature class, and a very broad Western humanities class. Liberal arts college was such a good idea. I recommend it.

What does the bible have to do with physics? I think this idea has potential, but often my ideas with potential seem to pitter out with everything else I'm doing. Also! I've been reading so many books. These books include:
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Classic Feynman by Richard Feynman (thanks, Susie!)
The Science of Mind  by Earnest Holmes
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Valis Trilogy by Philip K. Dick
The Double by Fyodor Dostoevsky

I strongly recommend the first two, although it must be said that they are quite different types of books. They kinda represent my blend of literature, religion, physics, and spontaneous neuron pathways. Kinda. I like them, ok? Here's a photo!

Matthew Lyons, my twin, and myself, his twin. His USA soccer jersey says #9 BREES on the back. Mine is a white and blue St. Petersburg jersey from Jake Hamel himself! (awesome word effects courtesy of Ms. Charae Tongg)

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