Saturday, August 18, 2012

About One Year

I met a lot of new people and also got to know myself a lot over the last ~year. I want to pat my year-younger self on the back for starting (and also give Luke a firm handshake for inspiring) this blog. It hasn't been much more than the title: little peeking holes into whatever the  hell , I mean heaven, I'm doing in the world. While it certainly isn't everything, when I look over a couple old posts my brain fills in the in-between with terabytes of memory. When you have all that assisted memory recall, it's makes writing a summary a lot easier. I have arrived at the following, followed by the list of what I've learned.

The Following
Being eighteen was a blast. It was my first time being an adult. That didn't scare me. I had never been more in-tune with my # age and how old I felt. However, it probably scared some concerned family members pretty darn good, though, them tossing the lines to dock and letting me go on my own for a little bit. I will start from the first week of college. It's a bunch of recently-christened adults pretending to be less nervous than they are. Some adults discover that things they thought they couldn't or shouldn't do before, can be done now. Some adults want to find his best-man or her maid-of-honor for the wedding: they're ready to make friends. My roommate Jeff and I decided to have fun, and see where it took us. If you meet your best friend for life, that's cool. If you just make a sick catch during pick-up ultimate and never recognize anyone you played with ever again, so be it. With this in mind, I did what I do best: find a soccer ball, quote Monty Python like it's my job, and see what this whole "Boston College" thing is all about. It's been working out just fine. I've tried to do as much as I can, to do what I can do well, and always to look for better things to do. My head is like a magic sorting machine for people and activities. The lesser are left behind; the worthy remain. That may sound strange when talking about people, but it's not a pessimistic mindset... it's more like always looking for outstanding friends. It's easy to only hang out with one group of friends all the time. The truth is, there are a lot of people out there to find. So I try to. Now for some supporting evidence. I met Christine right before Thanksgiving by randomly introducing myself at lunch. Laura and I only started hanging out a lot right before Christmas, same with Pat after Christmas. Sam and Matt I met on spring break, Dennis a week or so after that. Charae and Nick I got to know really well only just this summer. Other friends don't apply to this ongoing search; I knew in the first week or two: Alex, Matt, Jeff, Lorena, to name a few. The end of year-one is a contrast with that first week. At the moment I'm getting ready for year two, and the long-awaited reunion after summer. And that's how freshman year goes: come in wanting something new, leave missing something old. 

The List
1. All Brazilian IDs are fake.
2. Squirrels make ACC football games mildly entertaining.
3. Monty Python is the fastest way to find great people.
     3a. I like traffic lights.
4. Midnight is a darn tootin' early bedtime.
5. Fenway is a classy ballpark.
6. Thanksgiving comes at exactly the right time.
7. Boston has beaches.
     7a. Maine has nicer beaches.
     7b. Duxbury has nicerer beaches.
     7c. Santa Cruz wins.
8. Newton campus is a good time.
9. Newton bus is not.
10. Climbing a mountain is really something.
11. Federal drinking laws are more of a suggestion for most people.
12. Dining Bucks die quickly, and there are no funerals.

13. The Emirates Stadium is gorgeous.
14. Spanish-speakers cannot understand you when you speak English extremely quickly.
15. The Boston Symphony Orchestra is stunning.
16. The Boston Celtics are not, but it was worth going once.
17. The dudes in Dispatch are awesome dudes. And talented. 
18. 48 Hours < Appalachia.
19. Lost is a quality show.
     19a. ditto New Girl
     19b. ditto The Newsroom
20. You can see Gasson from the top of the Prudential building.
     20a. You can see the Prudential building from the top of Gasson.
21. Marathon Monday: 3 hours of sweat and heat, 3 days of pain, sweet accomplishment.
22. Jello shots: 1 cup water + 1 cup "water" + Jello mix.
23. Having a soccer field at your doorstep is heaven.
24. Dr. Pepper is delicious.
     24a. ditto Brie
25. Radiohead knows how to end a show.
26. Brasil can play soccer.
27. I attract crime.
28. The New England soccer chant, "Re-vo-lu-tion!", could mean something entirely different if it were chanted somewhere else in the world.
29. Santa Cruz relaxes the soul. Brah.
30. It's nice to be home.


  1. What do you mean with all Brazilian IDs are fake?

  2. I love reading your blog! I think in the future you will read the old posts and realize how much you have developed and grown.

  3. 1- They are made of paper and easily replicated... to the point that even the real ones look fake. I give my friend Alex grief for this.

    2- Thanks, I think so too!
