Monday, September 3, 2012

Random Update (9.3.12)

Moved into the new room Thursday afternoon after adventures in New Jersey, such as camping and experiencing the infamous Jersey Shore. On camping, I like it. On the infamous Jersey Shore, I don't see much hope for some of its people. But anywho Hannah, Angela, Lauren, Christine and I bused up to Boston and thus began sophomore year. My dorm is on main campus and has ready access to classrooms, gym, dining hall, soccer fields, and subway. Oh, and the roommates are Pat (direct), J.M., Veb, Zach, Mike, Jose and Jim. This is an outstanding crew. It's also outstanding that classes don't start until Tuesday. But it's also outstanding that they do, because I bought all my textbooks for my humanities class and my Spanish class and they all look quality, top to bottom. Here are the classes I'm taking:
Principles of Economics I 
Principles of Economics II 
Waves and Vibrations + Lab 
Western Cultural Tradition V-VI 
19th Century Fantastic Short Stories (Spanish)
It's just felt right to be back. Basically the last couple days have had no schedule and involve going wherever and seeing whoever happens to be there that I haven't seen for a while. I've also met a bunch of new people via the new dorm neighbors, new summer friends, and soccer. I really only feel like remembering Sunday, so I will briefly go through it. I got up at 8:30 AM and went for a few laps around the Reservoir, then went to the plex and did some exercises, then did about 3/10ths of a mile swim. Then I washed off back in the room and took a 30 minute nap until a big introductory meeting with the dorm staff in the theater. After the meeting I played soccer with a bunch of people on the new football field. Then I went with my friend Ethan and two other guys to watch the Barcelona-Valencia soccer match. Ethan is a Valencia fan and I met him through volunteering/playing soccer last year, just to let you know, if you're curious. After the game, Ethan's friend (from Barcelona) who watched with us tells us of some more evening soccer going down on the baseball field. So I go play soccer again with a bunch of Spanish-speaking Boston College kids, which was a blast. After that, I showered and got hungry, so Miguel, Pat, Mike, and Christine all went to a nearby burrito place and got some late night food, ate, and returned to watch the movie Drive which is a quality film. Then we played cards and people shuffled in and out of the room and now I type this and Now I'm going to sleep.
Arcade shenanigans. 
 New York.
 Those clouds.
Those sands.

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