Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Random Update (3.20.13)

I just got lunch today with Jeff, my roommate from last year. I think Jeff says it best: "Today does not feel like the first day of spring." Yesterday we got about 8" or 10" more snow, and all morning classes were cancelled. It is so cold and wet and nasty outside. I picked a good year to run the marathon, because I don't think I would do any of the training runs in this kind of weather. However, people running this year probably won't have to run in 90+ degree heat. 

Last week was pretty nice. I had a physics test on Tuesday which was pretty easy, and also a problem set due in my economics class. But as for school work, most of that had already happened before spring break.

It was a big, sad week for professional soccer. Arsenal beat Bayern Munich, but still did not advance in the tournament. A couple club soccer teammates and friends went to Roggies for some food and the game. It was a great game, especially after Giroud's early goal. But still, I had a headache for two days afterwards. 

It was a big, awesome week for BC soccer. We played pickup in the bubble (the bubble is the football field with a big bubble over it) on Thursday and Friday, plus club practice on Saturday. I was exhausted on Saturday night. 

On Thursday after soccer, I got food with some of the guys who played, and then had a Spain mentoring sessions with Ethan and Both, two seniors who went abroad last year. I could listen to those guys for hours. 

Sunday a big crew went into Boston for St. Patrick's day. We missed the parade, but got some pizza and then had dessert at this chocolate place that was really good. Here's photo.

Alex, Kara, Angela, me, Jonathan, Rafa, and Miguel

Yesterday I managed to walk through the nastiness to the Office of International Programs (called OIP for short) and dropped off my packet of paperwork for Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. I hear back in May with my official, final acceptance, so it is now time to sit tight and enjoy BC. 

This Friday, Jim, Lorena, and I are going to see Demitri Martin. Oh. Yeah.

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