Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I was not planning on writing an update tonight. I should be reading the rest of a medium-length Spanish novel called El reino de este mundo by Alejo Carpentier. But I could not resist. During the reading, I tried to think of a similar phrase in Spanish for "last resort" to write in a note bubble of the PDF file I was reading. Something weird happened though. I could only think of a Catalan version of the phrase, "l'ultima ressaca", which I knew from the title of a song a Catalan friend had recommended to me a few days earlier. On top of all this, I have acquired a almost-perfect ear for Portuguese after hanging out with Brazilians so often. During conversation I have to respond in English or Spanish, because I basically only know how to say "I'm hungry" (estou com fome) and "I understand everything you say, but I only know how to say what I am saying now" (Eu entiendo que você estás dizendo. Eu só sei falar o que estou dizendo). I am in a linguistic melting pot.

Happy 100th Hole to Heaven

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