Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bon Any Nou

1. Rome.
1a. AS Roma match
1b. Get a Michael Bradley jersey
1c. Re-read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

2. Glasgow.
2a. See Alan (from work last summer) with Sam during his whirlwind tour of Europe
2b. Celtic match (I like Rangers though. More Americans.)
2c. See Frazer and Ryan from last semester in Barcelona
2d. The Head and the Heart concert (#1)

3. Paris (at least twice).
3a. Become Hemingway or Picasso 
3b. Paris Saint-Germain match
3d. The Head and the Heart concert (#2), visiting BC friends Miguel and Lorena, etc

4. Munich.
4a. FC Bayern match
4b. See whether my German friend's claim that Germans think Germany is best known for its bread holds any truth or not
4c. Don't mention the war
4d. Chocolate covered strawberries

5. Amsterdam.
5a. See my lab partner from last spring! He's from here
5b. Ajax match
5c. Ride a bicycle. They do this there

6. Be in Barcelona all of April, May, June.

7. Receive visitors such as Bill and Sue, Aunt Annie; transform into Tour-guide Will!

8. Learn as much Catalan as possible (taking two classes).

9. Learn as much Portuguese as possible (this is more on my own).

10. Expand vocabulary, hone grammar in Spanish.

11. Join the local gym.
11a. Start running a lot again
11b. Become less-tragically-not-flexible

12. Play more soccer (already got six games in the next two weeks!)
12a. Futbol sala (indoor, hard floor soccer)

13. Kindle.
13a. Continue reading the papers
13b. Maybe stop reading The Financial Times as every paper has a business section and no one has the time for all that
13c. Read for pleasure in cool cafes like a hipster, but not act that hipster

14. Sort out housing for next year via bothering friends at BC

15. Sort out something productive to do next summer via bothering BC's career offices

16. Brainstorm possible senior theses.
16a. Pick the best/most interesting and start sniffing around/reading some secondary sources
16b. Well, at least see if some of my ideas are feasible
16c. Well, at least have some ideas before summer starts
16d. Well, at least have some ideas before summer ends
16e. Well, at least decide which department you want to do a thesis in
16f. Well, great

17. Ignore beautiful photos of BC in the spring
17a. Laugh at sniffling students in blizzards
17b. Go to the beach as soon as it gets warm

As you can see, I have discovered the art of embedding links to youtube.

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