Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Random Update (11.22.11)

Dear College,

Thanksgiving is the first real, honest-to-goodness break since you occupied my life. Having worked my posterior off the last week with your three midterms and two essays, I could not feel any better now that I am getting away. It was only last weekend that my stress went away. You offered me solace with the following: the "Neon Newton" super fun dance party on Friday, the Arsenal game Saturday morning (I don't know how I got up for that, but I did), ice skating Saturday night, and the BC playoff game on Sunday. It's been a nice two-and-a-half months, but as for now, College, I plan to read what I want, have standard sleep cycles, and eat amazing food with amazing people in the land they call Rugby Hall.

Enjoy the pictures. And don't worry, College, I'll be back soon.


 From left to right: Hannah, Christine, yo, Crystal, Angela, Libby, Alex, Chris
 1) My face is ridiculous because 2) Alex didn't know what to do with his hand and 3) I put my hand on his because I thought it was funny
I'll let you guess why my pants are soaking wet...
(Thanks to others for the photos!)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Update (11.13.11)

"I was happy, and then your sister threw a seafish at my Tv."
-Mitt Romney-

This weekend was a very calming one despite the number of psychologically disturbing movies watched. Let's see if I can name them all: Silence of the Lambs, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Inception, and an episode of that old Twilight Zone show. That actually does not sound like a lot. But it WAS. It is nice knowing why Silence of the Lambs gets all those compliments. It's a great film. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was straight up freaky in a "I don't understand the reasons for including scenes of bizarre dialogue and unwarranted screaming" sorta way. The plot is pretty much in the title, so that takes away a whiff of excitement while one watches it. Inception second round through was much better in that I knew what the heck was going on. I love knowing what's going on. It fools me into thinking the world is like a book or a math problem in that it can be better understood by objective analysis of a confined situation. That made sense, at least in my head. Anywho, some friends definitively won their first round matches this weekend. I imagine the Super Smash Bros. 64-man melee tournament bracket with the Nintendo characters replaced with BC students whose first and last names I know. They all fight to be closer friends of mine, but they don't know this. Lorena and Christine definitely won their matches by 1) being cool and 2) going beyond the college questionnaire of major, hometown, and things you do and onto more fascinating topics like the Christian Coptic Orthodox church, Puerto Rico, or music.

Things I did besides watch movies:
1) Football Game - We won 14-10 against NC State. It was nice to see the players all happy after a game for once. Next year... next year...
2) US men's soccer game, BC men's soccer game: real good fun to watch in the lounge with some amigos. Those amigos also won their first round matches.
3) Intramural Semifinals - we lost 2-0. I stayed after and played with some junior guys who were short a few players. We tied 3-3, I hit the post and had an assist. I really enjoyed both games. I've been playing central midfield, and I think I've been playing as good if not better than I ever have before. I need to look into club soccer...

"Stuff the ice chest"
-Mitt Romney-

 Newton in Fall

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mount Monadnock Ascent

You can see Mt. Washington if you look real closely-like.
 Top of Mt. Monadnock!
 Jeff can see Iowa!
 The levels: evergreen vs. deciduous.
 Jeff laid claim to this rock in the name of Jeff land. However, we made him take the picture-photo.
Catherine, Jeff, and myself. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Random Update (11.1.11) <-- symmetry

Midterms are over. Monday is over. The sky is over! No, Serj Tankian. Not here. Not now.

Tonight we have intramural playoffs in the huge football stadium. I am bringing camera [editor's note: game was cancelled, reasons unknown]. Afterwards a few folks are watching Life of Brian. Tomorrow is the last Men's Varsity Soccer home game vs. UNC. Thursday is the night football game vs. Florida State. Friday is a hockey game vs. Maine. Friday is a mountain hike in New Hampshire. Also, I mentally defeated a sickness. I felt myself getting sick and said "Nooooooo! Not this week!" so I got better. Hot showers, cough drops, and music might have helped too. Email me with any questions for the blog and I'll gladly answer them! Albeit sporadically.

Can't wait to see everyone at Thanksgiving! Hasta luego.