This evening, the varsity soccer team played Maryland (#4 in the nation) and lost 0-4 despite our loud and boisterous cheering. My friend Ethan from 4Boston has organized the fan section pretty well. He done made BC soccer proud. Clever cheers are the best. My favorite (G-rated) is when the goalkeeper walks around his goal-box, we yell "LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT!" as he takes his little meaningless steps. Then when he stops walking we yell "STAAAATIONARRRRRY!". It's good fun. Also we knew his girlfriend's name.
As far as classes go, I found out that it's not recommended to take Micro and Macro Theory at the same time next semester, so instead of taking Micro and Macro Principles this semester, I am taking a Chinese history class to fulfill part of the BC core requirements, and only taking Micro principles. Excitement. Oh, and Micro/Macro refer to economics courses. Sorry.
The spired building on the left is Gasson.
8th floor is where it's at.
Proud of you! Hard work always pays off! What was his girlfriend's name?