Last week was only four (4) days long, and my day of death (Monday) was eliminated. Monday's I have class from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM without lunch break. So nice to not have that for once. Speaking of the word "once," I stared at a sign for a while that said "hit the button once... yada yada yada" and it took me about two (2) minutes to realize that it was the English word "once" and not the Spanish word for "eleven." Also, I've been in the habit of translating English conversation into Spanish in my head. This gets rather annoying. It must stop. Also my dreams are being infiltrated. Ayayay! But the good thing is that I got an "A-" on my first Spanish paper. I am really proud of that. It was a four (4) page essay in Spanish. I haven't done that before. Other school news includes having a Physics exam tomorrow, spending two (2) hours writing a lab with my lab partner, Brooks, today in McElroy dining hall, as well as deciding that I like the Honors Seminar class a lot more than before.
Non-school news. This week I spent playing a lot of soccer outside. Except Friday. Friday was rainy and disgusting. Actually Friday was the best day of the week, but I'll get to that later. I have started the CERT classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. Basically you learn some basic techniques for situations when emergency professionals are unavailable. This includes disaster psychology, fire extinguisher skillz, and very basic triage/search and rescue. Thankfully it's only during the month of October, because having class twice a week for two and a half (2 and 1/2) hours is cutting into precious homework time, and thus sleep time. But forcing myself to schedule time is good. This weekend has been tiring. Friday classes ended, and then I had lunch with Kavi and other random people as they dropped by. We were in Stuart from 12:30 PM until 6:30 PM. Mostly because it was freakin pouring outside (or as some say, dumping outside) and walking home looked extremely un-fun. Anyways we were having such a good time it didn't seem like six (6) hours. After that, Jeff, Andrea, Kavi, Katie, Joann and I all went to the Hockey game. We are apparently ranked #1 in the nation. The atmosphere is unbeatable. Football games look so lame now. I'm not even a hockey fan, but I love going to hockey games. Even when we lose 2-3 to Denver (#3 in the nation), it's a blast.
Now I have an intramural soccer game. I say good day.
Thanks for the update, it's great to hear what you've been up to. Congrats on your Spanish paper and also on your great 5K time last week. Dreaming in another language is a big step, congrats on that, too! We all love you and miss you!