Thursday, October 6, 2011

Random Update (10.6.11)

Today's Accomplishments:
1) Ask Jeff like a druggie, "What time issssit?"
2) Sleep for two (2) more hours. It's only 7:30.
3) Go to Calculus, Honors Seminar, and Physics.
4) Create Facebook page for Physics teacher (he knows not what we do)
5) Accept friend request.
6) Go to library with Maria, read Spanish.
7) Go back to Newton with Maria and Chris.
8) Fake nap for 30 minutes.
9) Email Kei (Boston? What a coincidence.)
10) Dinner in Stuart with Kavi. Talk for heap-big time.
11) Run one 5:14 mile.
12) Eat one loaf banana bread.
13) Shower one shower.

Today's about-to-be-accomplishments
1) Prepare for Spanish language lab session
2) Do problem set 11 for Calc

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