Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Update (9.23.11)

I hope ze link to this is working. Ah, technology. I'm still figuring it out too, so bear with me. I know I just spelled bare wrong (Editor's note: I spelled bear right). So it is Friday yet again. I had Physics, Calculus, and Spanish today at 9, 10, and 11, respectively. My physics homework took about 1 and 1/2 hours of intense problem solving last night. It was a thing of beauty. Calculus is easy enough, but I have a midterm exam on Monday. I think that sounds worse than it will end up being. Gahhh the honors seminar is so dadgum boring! The teacher is very unorganized and the discussions don't trigger my thoughts in the least. It can only get better, though. I shared a song in Spanish today. It's "Emigrantes" by Orishas. YouTube that if you please. I like it a lot, and we are studying Cuba so it was relevant to the lecture! I have just woken up from another glorious nap, and have too much energy to sit and type about my life. I'm going to go play soccer before the torrential rains come around 3:00 pm. Wait. It's 3:00 now. I might be back soon.

Can't wait to see Jane and Mom in a week or so! If anybody has a question please email me and I'll try to answer it. I'm having a great time, and the rose petals have not fallen off the flower. Or whatever. That means "ba dap ba ba ba" I'm still lovin' it. Ask Uncle Jim Daddy about the rose thing. I only slightly understand it myself.

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