Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Update (9.28.11)

Well, technically it's the 29th. But I'm never sure how to refer to time when it's this time. Now. The date. Blah. So the Red Sox just lost in what was (yes I'm saying it) an exciting hour or so of baseball on the tv. The Orioles came from being down 2-3 to win 4-3 in the 9th inning, and Tampa Bay hit a walk-off winner in the bottom of the 12th to win 8-7 over the Yankees. So Boston lost the wild card. People here are angry, and we have a really obnoxious Yankees fan on our hallway. He needs to speak softly. And ditch any sticks he might have. Just watch quietly. He came into our dorm with his Yankees hat on (ironically they lost) and hugged Jeff whilst saying "big choke!" The other folks in the room were all thinking the same thing, namely that he must be deported and put on the no travel list for the room. Needless to say, he is probably the most disliked person on our hall now. Sadly, he seems to be struggling in the amiable relationship thing even outside of baseball. I feel bad for him, but he knows that he sins, and for that I really can't figure out what the heck is going on in his noggin.

I finished another huge problem set in Physics today. I sat outside on my free BC blanket listening to The Strokes and it was very nice. Jeff is currently cursing the Baltimore Orioles. Sorry, Baltimore fans. He is justified to use the curse words, I feel. But I digress. I'm going to stay up late and finish my homework for Friday, tonight. Or this morning. Gah. The temporal dilemma again. Today (Wednesday, yesterday, etc) I had Physics, Calculus, and Spanish. I keep repeating my schedule because I don't think it is as well known to y'all as it is to me. Those three are every M, W, F, with Honors Seminar on T TH, and Calc/Phy discussions on TH. Physics I mentioned earlier. We are doing Uniform Circular Motion and Tension. I got back my first test in Multivariable Calc and got all the hard problems right! Sadly I bombed the easy one, so instead of getting a 92, I missed 12 points and got an 80. My inner perfectionist is bothering me; my inner physicist is happy I understand the new material so well. I guess physicists do that. I dunno. Spanish was normal and kinda boring. Grammar review. Need I say more? On the subject of speaking Spanish, however, I got a 4Boston (service group) placement for teaching English Classes to non-English speakers, so talking in Spanish to the students before class should be as fun as it was in high school. 

Last weekend didn't have an update. Just those pictures. I think I'll keep it that way because it's accurate and I'm lazy. 

Je te mange.


  1. Just testing out ability to add comment.
    Question: what is the story behind your blog's name/title?

  2. The title is from a Jack Johnson song. I came up with the other bit and they seem to fit nicely together.

  3. I think your blog title is a good reflection. Sounds and looks like BC is a good fit for you. Have a great weekend with Mom and Jane.
    Gm & Gp
