Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Update (2.7.12)

So, it is actually past registration for the Boston Marathon. I will be running with a charity group on campus instead. Going on long runs is a very efficient way to learn the outrageously poorly laid-out downtown of Boston. I managed to find my way to the Prudential building and back today, that was fun. School is normal, I'm finishing my work somewhat earlier than last semester, which is a good habit, I guess. Highlight of last week was definitely getting back my paper in Western Cultural Tradition! I got a bunch of check marks throughout the pages, some check marks more enthusiastic than others, and at the end a 'Kudos' and big, fat 'A'. Right now we are sorting out housing for next year. I'm pretty much deciding between an 8-man with some folks on my floor and an 8-man with friends from other places. By Friday. I'm exhausted from my run, and I have work to do. Adios!
That is Erin. She lives in the same dorm as I, and I didn't know she existed until the 48 hours retreat last weekend. We have cool glasses.

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