Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Mobile Update (6.7.12)

Best week of work, by far. I've taken a crew of folks out to Harvard, MA each day this week, and it's been a good time. It is not the Harvard you're thinking of. It's the county an hour northwest of Boston. And it has an awesome cheap pizza place we stop at for "lunch" called Pizza Bella (although I bring my lunch). I say "lunch" because we eat around 3:00 PM. Then we 'canvass' for 4.5 hours, and head back to the office. Canvassing is going door to door, saying a memorized speech, and basically selling our idea to people. We want lots of money-giving members to fund advocacy, research, and public outreach. And I have to plan where people go, get people where they need to be on time, and make sure they are awesome at raising political support and money for this cool solar energy campaign. Harvard has been great. I took my crew to this awesome lookout I found before heading back today. It made us 15 minutes late, but I'm sure you can see why that didn't bother anyone.

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