Duxbury is awesome. Pat, Matt and I caught an early train down to Kingston and Diane picked us up around 10:00 AM. We got a quick driving tour of the town, and then we went to their house. Their house has a primetime overlook of the Atlantic and some beautiful green marshes. After helping Sherm and his son load a 76-year-old boat on to a trailer, Pat and Matt and I made sandwiches and listened to some music while overlooking the marshes. It was so relaxing! After lunch we took the old Ford to the beach. Duxbury has the largest wooden bridge in the USA. We drove onto the beach and slept for a few hours, read, went in the water, and then headed back around 4:00 PM to wash up before dinner. We showered and then played croquet I their backyard, while Sherm's son cooked steaks. We watched an enormous storm front approach. We shot a potato gun at the marshes. It started raining just in time to move into the screened-in porch to eat corn, steak, and other assorted food. We all talked a lot. Diane and Sherm are going to Italy so I told them some stories about our adventures in Belforte a few years ago. Pat and Matt also had a great time today. Tomorrow should be fun too! Photos.
The Hoyts' backyard overlooking the marshes.
Season of Life, a really good book. And marshes.
Storm brewing.
It bright out.
Duxbury beach.
Such a beautiful place!