Monday, June 11, 2012

Requested Update (4.25.12)

My Tuesday ironically began writing the last blog update. It was so well-written and inspiring to my loyal readers, they requested more. I humbly obliged. The school day breezed by, I had to get up for a 10:00 AM recitation of a passage from Paradise Lost, which went well. The afternoon saw another class on Plato's Republic, which is far more stimulating than Dante and his Divina Commedia. Thank (ironically?) God! After class I went back to Newton and, instead of napping, the lovely weather inspired me to go running. After running, I met some amigos in Carney Dining Hall, not Mac, for dinner. Then I did some work on upper campus. Boring day over. Engage "Lost" night.

I began, being the lovely human being I am, by texting my friends Sam and Matt to see if they wanted anything from Carney Dining Hall, not Mac. Sam responded, "Get milk! I bought cookies and popcorn". He neglected punctuation on the final sentence, which made me think he was more excited for the milk than the other snacks. Had he finished with an exclamation point, I would have let it slide. But no punctuation was just awkward and I felt really pressured to buy the right milk. So I asked him what kind: "Low-fat? Skim? Soy?". Note the punctuation. Sam responded "Exactly!". Although now containing punctuation, I was ironically even worse off than before! Haha! So I bought 2% to make 'im as fat as Hurely. Matt then responded very politely, saying he didn't need anything. However, I knew he wanted a banana with peanut butter. Upon offering, he accepted. I placed the milks, the banana, the two (2) peanut butter packets, and my mango fruit drink into a plastic bag, and set off down College Road towards 14 Lake St. I crossed Commonwealth early, 1) because the intersection of Lake St. and Comm Ave. is a mess, and 2) because I got Lake St. and Algonquin St. mixed up in my head. After a brief detour and a brief mental punching of myself for being ridiculous, I finished the trek to 14 Lake St. I was greeted at the door, having rung the doorbell twice, by a pleasant surprise! It was a classmate from my Milton class! How nice. I mentioned the coincidence to him; he kept to himself. Darn. Sam said hi first, and we walked to his and Dennis' room. I made a joke, saying "Can I set my bag down here?" and motioning to a pile of stuff. It was funny because their room is a bit cluttered. I think they enjoyed my witty comment. We started watching Episode 8: "Solitary". When it was over, Sam popped two (2) bags of popcorn for us. The we watched "Raised by Another" and "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues". Dennis joined us for the final episode! Actually he walked in at the very end of the second, which frightened me; it was an intense scene. After finished the episodes, we shot the breeze. We reminisced about Backyard Baseball characters, discussed our quack political inclinations, and threw Cranberry Lemonade bottles at the wall. The latter was a solo effort by Dennis. Soon the conversation moved on to the names of my family members. Matt knew Jim, Jane, and Mitch through story and song, so he tried to guess "Emily". I said he had a hard time because Emily was a rather uncommon name these days; Sam disagreed. Sam's OCD also disagreed, so he sent me two (2) links about baby names. Did you know, in 2008 Emily was the most popular female baby name? Fascinating stuff. Thanks, Sam! Matt and I then left 14 Lake St. to return to our own dwellings. I was left with the strange sensation of having a 6-8% decrease in my insulin levels...
Quote of the night: "Take your cat out of my sock drawer."

I did my best to fix Sam's right eye. Sorry, Sam. Note the size of Dennis' left leg to his right. That's because he enjoys hopping around campus on alternating legs; left leg in the Fall, right leg in the Spring. Sam (center) has two thumbs up. And Matt is enjoying his 2% milk. Notice the absence of the Cranberry Lemonade bottle from 1) the table and 2) Dennis' hands.

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